UKIEPC Practice Events:
Spring 2024

23rd March 2024, 12noon GMT

How? In teams of two (a pair), one computer per person. ICPC Rules.

Where? Online on Codeforces, with optional onsite gatherings

For whom? For novices and amateurs all around UK and Ireland, ≤ 1900 on Codeforces.


UKIEPC Spring Practice 2024

Our main information point is on Codeforces.

This page is mostly for the formal information and hosts.

Jury: Vitaly Aksenov, Maxim Buzdalov, Mikhail Dvorkin, Shoaib Jameel, Pavel Khaustov, Yong Mao, Luis Santiago Re, Fedor Tsarev, Ilya Zban, and Andy Zhu.

For experienced competitive programmers: If you want to propose a problem please fill the following form.


During the contest you will be given several problems. To solve a problem, you need to submit the code that reads a test from the system input and outputs an answer in the specified format in the system output. Then, the testing system runs the code on the tests, hidden from participants. We suggest all our participants to get familiar with the system on the test contest which is already running on Codeforces.

Solutions to problems submitted for judging are called runs. Each run is judged on the hidden tests and is accepted or rejected, while the team is notified of the results. Rejected runs will be marked with one of the following:

  • compilation error (CE)
  • run-time error (RTE)
  • time-limit exceeded (TLE)
  • wrong answer (WA)

Teams are ranked by:
  • Number of problems solved. Higher is better. In case of tie, the penalty is considered.
  • Penalty. Lower is better.
    • Penalty is the sum of the times at which each problem was solved, in minutes.
    • For each incorrect submission, a penalty of 20 minutes is added.
    • Note that only problems which are solved are considered for calculating the penalty.
    • Any extra submissions for a problem after it is solved are ignored.
  • If a tie still remains, the time at which the last successful problem was solved is used. Lower is better.

Being a UKIEPC Spring Practice Host

If you want to hold a local contest at your university, please fill the form.

Being a host is very simple - all you need is

  • A lab available at the weekend, with computers that have compilers on them
  • Access to the web to submit problems through a browser
  • A responsible member of staff to supervise the contest at your university

There is a slack for everyone who wants to help with the hosting provided by the request.

Contest Locations

Available (Optional) Sites
