Saturday 29th October


More than 350 students, in 124 Teams from 19 universities, at 16 sites, took part in UKIEPC 2022.

Final Standings

Taking Part in 2022

Typically, teams of 3 students, around one computer, work on approximately 12 problems during 5 hours with no internet. Participation will follow the NWERC regional rules.

Expected Schedule on the Day

Time (GMT) Description
10:30 AM Introduction on Youtube Download Intro Video Slides
11:00 AM Contest starts Go to Contest Server Download Problemset (after start of the contest)
15:00 PM Scoreboard freezes You can see who has submitted, but not whether they were successful.
16:00 PM Contest ends
~16:10 PM Solutions and Results Final Scoreboard UKIEPC22 Downloads

Programming Languages

The following details from 2021 may be updated before the 2022 event

  • Python 3.6 (PyPy 7.3)
  • Java 11 (OpenJDK 11.0.11)
  • C++20 (g++ 9.3)
  • C17 (gcc 9.3)

Contest Downloads

UKIEPC22 Downloads

NWERC-based Rules

We will follow NWERC for 2022 and return to in-person only participation, in teams of (up to) 3. Each university is also separately responsible for their selection process for deciding which teams to send to NWERC. This may be based upon team performance in the UKIEPC, or determined separately; teams do not have to remain the same.

Contest Locations

Participating Universities